sputtering Targets

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Titanium Targets for Semiconductor Devices

We produce sputtering targets for thin film devices, helping to increase functionality in a wide range of electronic parts.
By making the metal structure fine and uniform, we have achieved low particle size from the initial stage of use to the end of life.

Titanium Targets for Semiconductor Devices


  • Achieves low particle size by fine and uniform metal structure and surface treatment

Impurity content(Unit: ppm)

Impurity content : Titanium Targets for Semiconductor Devices
Grade Fe Ni Cr Na K O
5N UP <9 <5 <5 <0.03 <0.05 <200
4N5 UP <20 <20 <20 <0.1 <0.1 <200
4N UP <50 <20 <10 <0.1 <0.1 <650
3N5 UP <200 <20 <10 <0.1 <0.1 <1000

Examples of uses

  • Semiconductor devices

Niobium Targets for Semiconductor Devices

We produce sputtering targets for thin film devices, helping to increase functionality in a wide range of electronic parts.
These targets have a fine, uniform metal composition and dramatically reduced impurities, resulting in films with outstanding properties such as glare prevention for displays.

Niobium Targets for Semiconductor Devices photo


  • Dramatically reduced impurities and outstanding glare prevention for displays

Impurity content (Unit: ppm)

Impurity content analysis : Niobium Targets for Semiconductor Devices
Grade Fe Ni Cr Na K O
Typical <5 <10 <5 <0.1 <0.1 <64

Examples of uses

  • Glare-proof films
    • For projectors
    • For video cameras
    • For DVD pickup

CrAlX Alloy Targets for Hard Thin Films

The effects of the additive elements are used to achieve a film that will not lose hardness in high temperatures. This hard film is ideal for extending the life of parts such as molds.

CrAlX Alloy Targets for Hard Thin Films photo


  • High hardness even at high temperatures

Examples of uses

  • Protective film for molds

If you have any inquiries, please contact us.

Open 9:00am-5:00pm (business days)

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