Amorphous Magnetic Parts

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Higrly Permeable Core NZK Series for common mode choke

High permeability and impedance are achieved across the high frequency range(Compared to our conventional nanocrystalline materials). High permeability has been realized with a fine nanocrystalline material, enabling enhanced noise suppression with reduced size and weight.

Higrly Permeable Core NZK Series


  • Specific permeability of µ30,000(100kHz)
  • Stable noise suppression across a wide temperature range.
  • Increased permeability allows for reduction in the number of turns, and in the size and weight of the core.

Magnetic properties(Representative values)

Materials Saturation magnetic
flux density*1 Bs[T]
Relative permeability Core loss*2
μ10kHz μ100kHz
NZK series 1.2 50,000 30,000 200
(cf. our conventional products)
1.2 70,000 17,000 300
Mn-Zn Ferrite 0.45,000 5,000 700

*1:DC magnetic properties Hm=800A/m. *2:100kHz,0.2T,room temperature

NZK series Magnetic properties   NZK series Magnetic properties

Frequency characteristics(Representative values)

NZK series Frequency characteristics    NZK series Frequency characteristics

Regarding design and usage, please confirm the latest information concerning these products, and comply with the manuals, etc. for the equipment on which they are used.


Specifications(Representative values)

Toroidal core

Product name Finished product dimentions[mm] AL value[μH/N2]*3
Case shape Insulated exterior*4
A(max) B(min) C(max)
NZK2515GW 28.5 12.6 17.6 36 Fig.1 Black PBTmaterial
NZK3723GW 40.6 19.4 18.1 34 Fig.1 Black PBTmaterial

*3:Measurement conditions 1V,1turn,room temperature. *4:UL standard 94V-0 authorized material

Separator core,core with stand

Product name Finished product dimentions[mm] AL value[μH/N2]*3
Case shape Insulated exterior*4
A(max) B(min) C(max)
NZK2515EWS 27.7 12.3 22.0 29 Fig.2 White PBTmaterial
NZK3723GWS 42.0 19.8 26.0 34 Fig.2 Black PBTmaterial
NZK3120EWD 33.8 40.8 27.2 25 Fig.3 White PBTmaterial

*3:Measurement conditions 1V,1turn,room temperature. *4:UL standard 94V-0 authorized material

NZK series core case

Examples of uses

  • Various inverters
  • Switching power supplies
  • Power conditioners

If you have any inquiries, please contact us.

Open 9:00am-5:00pm (business days)

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