Silicon Nitride Ceramics for Machine Parts

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Silicon Nitride Ceramics for Machine Parts

 Toshiba Materials' silicon nitride is lightweight and has excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance properties. From these characteristics, it is used in automotive and industrial machine parts applications. Toshiba Materials manufactures and sells Silicon Nitride Ceramics parts such as ball blanks(for bearings).
 In bearing applications, silicon nitride is contributing to weight reduction and performance improvement of various applications, and leading to replacement of steel balls. Our material is widely used as standard material in the market and also designated as certified material for aircraft engine application by various companies. It was also used in the bearing of turbo molecular pumps of the Space Shuttle, which was launched from 1995.
 In addition, it has a proven track record in check valves for supply pumps for diesel engines (common rail system) that require wear resistance and high rigidity, check balls for fuel injection ports, bearing balls for aircraft engines, etc. It is also used in bearing balls of motors for electric vehicles that require electrolytic corrosion resistance characteristic and used in a wide range of fields.


  • Low density (less than half the weight of a steel ball of the same size)
  • High heat resistance
  • Resistant to electrolytic corrosion as it is an insulator
  • Resistant to corrosion and rust caused by acids and alkalis
  • Not easily affected in a strong magnetic field as it is a non-magnetic material

Product specifications

Silicon Nitride Engineering Ceramics

Application example of finished product after polishing

  • Bearings for wind power generators
  • Machine tools
  • Aircraft engines
  • Medical drills and other medical equipment
  • Motors for electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc.
  • Turbo molecular pump
  • Fan motor
  • Check ball for fuel injection system for diesel engine
  • Check valve for supply pump for diesel engine

Product introduction video


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  • Silicon nitride ceramics: Plain substrates
  • Silicon Nitride Ceramics: Insulating Circuit Substrates
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