Molybdenum mesh was adopted for the ultra-lightweight parabolic antenna of the small SAR satellite "Izanami" following the first unit "Izanagi"
Molybdenum mesh was adopted for the ultra-lightweight parabolic antenna of the small SAR satellite "Izanami" following the first unit "Izanagi"
February 10, 2021
Molybdenum mesh was adopted for the ultra-lightweight parabolic antenna of the small SAR(*) satellite "Izanami" following the first unit "Izanagi" made by Institute for Q-shu Pioneers of Space, Inc. (iQPS Inc.)
"Izanami" was successfully launched from the United States on January 25, 2021 Japan time, and the antenna was successfully deployed on January 30.
Same as last time, molybdenum mesh adopted as material for this antenna is a product which molybdenum is processed into thin wire, gold plated and knitted into cloth like structure.
(*)There are two types of sensors for earth observation satellites.Cameras that are optical systems, and SAR (synthetic aperture radars) that are radio systems.
● Link to iQPS Inc. website
●Link to molybdenum mesh product page
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